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Which key exchange curves are supported in NanoSSL?

Question: Which key exchange algorithms are supported in NanoSSL.

Answer: TrustCore SDK provides support for the following key exchange algorithms (includes ED curves, FFDHE and Quantum Safe curves):

  • scep256r1

  • scep384r1

  • scep521r1

  • scep224r1

  • scep192r1

  • x25519

  • x448

  • ffdhe2048

  • ffdhe3072

  • ffdhe4096

  • ffdhe6144

  • ffdhe8192

  • kyber_512

  • kyber_768

  • kyber_1024

  • kyber_512_905

  • kyber_768_905

  • kyber_1024_905