View certificate details
Get details for a specific certificate. Details include distinguished name information, CA information, validity period, encryption type, and more.
Example requests and responses
Request parameters
Name | Req/Opt | Type | Description |
accountId | required | string | Account ID. |
divisionIds | optional | array | Division IDs. |
certificateId | required | string | Unique DigiCert-generated ID for the certificate found on the endpoint. Get the certificate ID from the List certificates request. |
Response parameters
Name | Type | Description |
data | object | Container. |
.. certId | string | Unique DigiCert-generated ID for the certificate found on the endpoint. |
.. serialNum | string | Serial number assigned to the certificate on issuance. |
.. validFrom | integer | Validity start date. Format: epoch in millisecond. Epoch corresponds to 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds (00:00:00) Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) on a specific date, which varies from system to system. Example: |
.. expiryDate | integer | Validity end date. Format: epoch in millisecond. Epoch corresponds to 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds (00:00:00) Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) on a specific date, which varies from system to system. Example: |
.. subject | string | Full certificate distinguished name. |
.. issuedBy | string | Root certificate that the certificate was issued from. |
.. cn | string | Common name on the certificate. |
.. ca | string | Certificate Authority that issued the certificate. |
.. lastDiscoveredDate | integer | Date certificate was last found by CertCentral Discovery scan. |
.. firstDiscoveredDate | integer | Date certificate was first found by CertCentral Discovery scan. Format: epoch in millisecond. Epoch corresponds to 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds (00:00:00) Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) on a specific date, which varies from system to system. Example: |
.. keyLength | string | Encryption key size for the certificate. |
.. algoType | string | Encryption algorithm that the certificate uses. |
.. accountId | string | Account ID. |
.. certStatusString | string | Status of the certificate. |
.. owner | string | Owner as defined in CertCentral Discovery. |
.. org | string | Organization name on the certificate. |
.. orgunit | string | Organization unit on the certificate. |
.. city | string | City on the certificate. |
.. state | string | State on the certificate. |
.. country | string | Country on the certificate. |
.. sanCount | string | Number of subject alternative names on the certificate. |
.. publicKeyAlgo | string | Encryption algorithm for the certificate's public key. |
.. san | string | Subject alternative names on the certificate. |
.. certRating | string | Certificate security rating, based on industry standards and the certificate's settings. |
.. tags | string | Custom tags added by certificate owner, subscriber, or other admin. |
.. certStatusError | string | Errors retrieving certificate status. |
.. certIssues | string | Chart data for certificate issues. |
.. renewalEmailPreference | boolean | Whether renewal email preference is enabled or not.Default: |
.. emailAddresses | string | Email address for the contact associated with the certificate. |
.. actions | object | Action performed on the certificate. |
.. filePath | string | File path of the certificate. Values are comma-separated. |
.. source | string | The scan used to identify the certificate. Possible values: Note: Possible values are |
.. serverHost | string | The server host associated with the certificate. Values are comma-separated. |
.. selfSignedCaOptIn | boolean | Whether email preference enabled for the self-signed certificates. |
.. systemCert | boolean | Whether any system certificates are available or not. |