Order EU Qualified Personal Organisation
POST https://www.certcentral.digicert.eu/services/v2/order/certificate/eu_individual_org
Use this endpoint to order an EU Qualified Personal Organisation certificate. EU Qualified Personal Organisation is an eIDAS certificate that is issued to a natural person who is an employee or a representative of an organisation and is used to apply electronic signatures. You can get an EU Qualified Personal Organisation certificate that applies qualified or advanced electronic signatures.
The EU Qualified Personal Organisation certificate is only available in CertCentral Europe. Only use the CertCentral Europe base URL, https://certcentral.digicert.eu/services/v2
, to construct your EU Qualified Personal Organisation certificate API request.
Example requests and responses
Request parameters
Name | Req/Opt | Type | Description |
certificate | required | object | Certificate details. |
.. signature_hash | required | string | Hash algorithm used for signing the certificate. EU Qualified certificates support only SHA-256 hash algorithm. |
profile_option | required | string | Select a profile option that best defines the certificate usage. The options are:
individual | required | object | Information about the individual who is the intended certificate holder and who will use the certificate for digital signatures, encryption, or authentication purposes. |
.. first_name | required | string | Individual's first name (given name). This can include middle names or initials, but do not include titles or prefixes such as "Dr.". |
.. last_name | required | string | Individual's last name (surname). You may include generational suffixes, such as “Sr.” and “III”.. |
.. pseudonym | optional | string | Individual’s preferred or professional name (pseudonym). This can include titles, prefixes, academic or professional suffixes, abbreviations, and accrediations. If you enter a |
required | string | Individual's email address. This email address is used for processing the order request and receiving order approval notifications. This email address does not appear on the certificate. To view an email address on the certificate, enter the email address in the | |
.. telephone | required | string | Individual’s phone number with the country code (for example, +1-555-555-5555). |
.. country | required | string | Individual's country, represented by a two-letter country code. |
.. state | required | string | Individual's state or province. |
.. city | optional | string | Iindividual's city. |
.. zip | optional | string | Individual's postal code. |
provisioning_method | required | string | Specify the key provisioning method. Key provisioning method refers to where the private key and the certificate will be stored. The methods are:
ship_info | optional | object | For orders with the |
.. name | required | string | First and last name of the recipient of the order. |
.. addr1 | required | string | Shipping address for the token. |
.. addr2 | required | string | Secondary address field. |
.. city | required | string | Shipping city. |
.. state | required | string | Shipping state. |
.. zip | required | string | Shipping postal code. |
.. country | conditional | string | Shipping country. |
.. method | conditional | string | Shipping priority for the token. Allowed values: |
.. csr | conditional | string | Certificate signing request (CSR) or public key in PEM format. Format the CSR/public key as a base64-encoded string without line breaks or escape characters. Include the PEM headers and footers (such as After placing the order, if the status of the order is Note: Required if |
organization | required | object | Object with information about the organization to associate with the request. You can associate the request with an existing organization, or you can create a new organization when you submit the order request. To associate the request with an existing organization, pass the ID of the organization as the value of Note: When you submit an order with organization details instead of providing an organization ID, we check the organizations that already exist in your account to avoid creating a duplicate.
To override this behavior and force the request to create a new organization, set the Important: When you want to associate an order with an existing organization, we recommend always using the ID of the organization instead of the organization's details in the body of your request. To get the ID values for organizations in your account, use the List organizations endpoint. Additionally, we recommend deactivating unused organizations to ensure they are never accidentally assigned to a new order request. To deactivate an organization, use the Deactivate organization endpoint. |
.. id | required | integer | The ID of an existing organization to associate with the order. To get the ID of organizations in your account, use the List organizations endpoint. *Not required if you are creating a new organization with your request. |
.. contacts | required | array | |
.. ..id | required | integer | Unique ID of the contact within the organization. |
.. .. first_name | optional | string | First name of the new contact. Note: Required when omitting |
.. .. last_name | optional | string | Last name of the new contact. Note: Required when omitting |
optional | string | Email address of the new contact. Note: Required when omitting | |
.. .. job_title | optional | string | Job title of the new contact. Note: Required when omitting |
.. .. telephone | optional | string | Telephone number of the new contact. Note: Required when omitting |
.. .. contact_type | required | string | |
.. .. user_id | required* | integer | ID of existing user or contact for the account. *Can be omitted if adding a new contact. |
container | optional | object | If needed, specify the container the order should be placed under. |
.. id | required | int | Container ID. |
custom_fields | optional* | array | Account-specific custom fields. *Whether or not these fields are required depends on your custom field settings. |
.. metadata_id | required | int | Custom field ID. |
.. value | required | string | Value for the custom field. Data validation type depends on your custom field settings. |
alternative_order_id | optional | string | A custom alphanumeric ID to assign the order. To see the Alternative order IDs do not replace the unique order ID that DigiCert assigns each order request. You cannot use alternative order IDs to search for or identify orders in API calls that require an If the Require unique alternative order IDs option is enabled in your account settings, you cannot submit order requests with an alternative order ID that is already assigned to an order in your account. Use this feature to enable nonce order requests, or to prevent your integration from creating duplicate orders in cases where you do not receive a response from the API. Account administrators can toggle this option from the CertCentral console. From the Settings > Preferences page, open the Advanced Settings menu, and look for the Alternative order ID option. This parameter is always optional, even if the Require unique alternative order IDs option is enabled in your account. If a request does not use this parameter, no Maximum length: 64 characters Note: The Require unique alternative order IDs option may not appear in the advanced settings menu for all CertCentral accounts. To enable this option for your account, contact your account manager or our Support team. |
enable_guest_access | optional | int | Whether to enable guest access for the order. This parameter is not allowed if guest access is disabled in your account settings. Allowed values: Default: The default configuration for new orders is determined by your account settings. Account administrators can change these settings from the Guest Access page in the CertCentral console. |
renewed_thumbprint | optional* | string | If order is a renewal, enter the SHA-1 thumbprint of the previous order's primary certificate. For more information, see How to check a certificate's thumbprint. *Renewal orders must include either a |
.. order_validity | optional | object | Defines the validity period of certificates issued for this order. Cannot exceed order validity period. If not provided, or if the certificate validity date is less than 365 days from the current date, the certificate's validity period defaults to the validity period of the order or the maximum certificate validity period defined by CA/B Forum baseline requirements, whichever is shorter. This object is not used for requests from accounts that do not have Multi-year Plans enabled. |
.. .. years | optional | int | Number of years the certificate is valid after it is issued. Can be replaced with Allowed value: |
.. .. days | optional | int | Number of days the certificate is valid after it is issued. Overrides Max: |
.. .. custom_expiration_date | optional | string | A custom expiration date for the certificate. Overrides Format: Range: Must be within 397 days of the date you request the certificate. |
comments | optional | string | |
skip_approval | optional | bool | Specify if the order should skip the approval step and be immediately submitted for validation and issued when complete. Default: |
auto_renew | optional | int | Specify if the certificate should automatically renew. Allowed values: Default: |
custom_renewal_message | optional | string | Custom message to be included in renewal notifications. |
disable_renewal_notifications | optional | bool | Specify if renewal notification emails should be disabled. Default: |
additional_emails | optional | array | Additional email addresses to receive certificate notification emails (e.g., certificate issuance, duplicate certificate, certificate renewals, etc.). |
locale | optional | string | Language that the DCV email should use. See Glossary – Locale codes. |
renewal_of_order_id | optional* | int | If order is a renewal, enter the previous order's ID. *Renewal orders must include either a |
payment_method | required | string | Payment method for the order. Allowed values:
credit_card | required (if payment_method is card) | object | Object with information about the credit card charged for the order. Required if |
.. number | required | string | Credit card number. |
.. expiration_month | required | string | Credit card expiration month. Format as a two-digit number between |
.. expiration_year | required | string | Credit card expiration year. Format as a four-digit number. For example: |
.. cvv | required | string | Card verification value (CVV). Format as a three- or four-digit number. For example: |
.. cardholder_name | required | string | Cardholder’s first and last name. |
.. save_credit_card | optional | null | Specify whether to save the credit card details. Allowed Values: |
.. set_as_default | required | string | Set the card as the default payment option or method. To set this card as your default payment method, use Allowed Values: |
billing_address | conditional | object | Object with information about the billing address. Required if |
.. address | required | string | Billing street address. |
.. address2 | optional | string | Continuation of street address. |
.. city | required | string | Billing city. |
.. state | conditional | string | Billing state or province. Optional for some countries. |
.. country | required | string | Billing country. |
.. zip | conditional | string | Billing zip or postal code. Optional for some countries. |
Response parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id | int | Order ID. |
organization | object | Container for new organization details. Only returned if a new organization was created with the order. |
.. id | int | Organization ID for the new organization. |
requests | array | Contains information about the request. |
.. id | int | Request ID. |
.. status | string | Request status. Possible values: |
certificate_id | int | Certificate ID. Returned if request status is |
After placing the order, go to the EU (eIDAS) products page in the CertCentral platform documentation, select the relevant certificate order link, and view the What's Next subsection to carry out the subsequent tasks.
Alternatively, you can order the EU Qualified Personal Organisation certificate through the CertCentral Europe user interface platform. For more information, see Order your EU Qualified Personal Organisation certificate.