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Filter operators and types reference

Filter operators

Filter operators define how we determine if the contents of a column meet the filter criteria. To get the filter operators that a column supports, use the List columns endpoint.


Include row if filtered column contains:


Value that is an exact match for a value in the filter.


Value where any part of the value is an exact match a value in the filter.

For example, if the list of filter values includes the string digicert, any of these column values is a match: digicert, example_digicert, and digicert_example.


Date between the beginning of the current calendar month and now.


Date between the beginning of the current quarter and now.


Date between the beginning of the current year and now.


Date within the last 30 days.


Date within the last 12 months.


Date within a custom date range.

When using the custom_date operator, the list of values contains two elements that defines a date range. The first element is the start date and the second element is the end date. Use this format for dates: YYYY-MM-DD. For example: ["2021-01-01", "2021-01-31"].

To see the default and maximum date range for each report type, see Custom date ranges


Date in the previous month.


Order and FQDN reports only. Filter operator for the certificate_requested_date column. Use to generate a report of all orders created or FQDNs used up to the current date.


Organization reports only. Filter operator for the ev_organization_expiration_date column. Use to generate a report of all organizations, regardless of organization validation expiration date.


Audit log reports only. Filter operator for the date_and_time_utc column. Use to generate a report of all audit logs up to the current date.


Balance history and User reports only. Filter operator for the transaction_date column. Use to generate a report of all transactions or user logins up to the current date.


Domain reports only. Filter operator for the domain_expiration_date column. Use to generate a report of all domains, regardless of domain validation expiration date.


Expiration date within the next 7 days.


Expiration date within the next 30 days.


Expiration date within the next 60 days.


Expiration date within the next 90 days.


Expiration date within the next 120 days.


Expiration date within the next 180 days.


Expiration date within the previous 7 days.


Expiration date in the past.


*This option is not available to all accounts.

Filter types

A column's filter type describes the values the column can be filtered against.

  • Some columns allow filtering against a list of any custom values.

  • Some columns only allow filtering against a limited set of possible values.

  • Some columns provide filter operators that define the range of matching values. When using one of these operators, the filter criteria should not include a list of values to match against.

To get the filter type for each column in a report, use the List columns endpoint.




The value of the column is compared to the values you provide when you create the filter.

  • If the List columns endpoint provides a list of possible values for a column:

    The filter criteria for the column is restricted to these values. If you try to add a filter that uses other values as the filter criteria, the API returns an error.

  • If the List columns endpoint does not provide a list of possible values for a column:

    There are no restrictions on the filter criteria for the column. You can filter against any values you choose.


The operator defines the filter criteria for this column. When you create a filter, leave the values array blank.


For columns with this filter type, most of the operators are a date range that defines the filter criteria for the column. When you create a filter, leave the values array blank.

The exception is when using the custom_date operator. For this operator, the list of values defines a custom range of dates. The first element is the start date and the second element is the end date. For example, see Add a filter – Examples.


The value of the column is compared to the list of intermediate ICA names in the filter. To get the names of intermediate ICAs in your account, use the List intermediates endpoint.


The value of the column is compared to the list of user IDs in the filter. To get the ID value for users in your account, use the List users endpoint.


The value of the column is compared to the list of product names in the filter. To get the names of products in your account, use the Product list endpoint.


The value of the column is compared to the list of organization IDs in the filter. To get the ID value for organizations in your account, use the Organization list endpoint.


The value of the column is compared to the list of DCV method identifiers in the filter. To get a list of DCV method identifiers, use the List DCV methods endpoint.


The value of the column is compared to the list of validation types in the filter. To get a list of validation type identifiers, use the Validation types endpoint.

Custom date ranges

When creating a report, use date range filters to customize the time frame you want the report to cover. Otherwise, DigiCert creates the report using the default date range for the given report type.

Report type

Default date range

Maximum custom date range


Certificates requested in past 30 days (certificate_requested_date).

90 days


Domains validation expires within 180 days (domain_expiration_date).

90 days


Organization validation expires within 180 days (ev_organization_expiration_date).

90 days

Audit logs

Events from past 30 days (date_and_time_utc).

90 days

Balance history

Transactions from past 30 days (transaction_date).

90 days


FQDNs used in past 30 days (certificate_requested_date).

400 days


Users who logged in during past 30 days (last_login_date).

90 days