Order info
GET https://www.digicert.com/services/v2/order/certificate/{{order_id}}
Use this endpoint to get details for a certificate order.
Items to note:
You can replace
in the URL path with the thumbprint or serial number of the primary certificate on the order.You cannot get order details by passing in the thumbprint or serial number of a duplicate certificate on the order.
Example requests and responses
URL query parameters
Name | Type | Description |
include_caa_status | boolean | If Example }, “status”: “pending”, “caa_status_message”: { “digicert.com”: “CAA check is not called yet” … }, Note: The |
Response parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id | int | Order ID. |
certificate | object | Details about the certificate. |
.. id | int | Certificate ID. |
.. thumbprint | string | Thumbprint of the certificate. |
.. serial_number* | string | Serial number of the certificate. |
.. common_name | string | Name secured by the certificate. |
.. cert_validity | object | Describes the validity period of the certificate. |
.. .. years | int | Total number of years the certificate is valid. Only returned if you used years to set the validity period of the certificate. |
.. .. days | int | Total number of days the certificate is valid. Only returned if you used days to set the validity period of the certificate. |
.. .. custom_expiration_date | int | Expiration date for the certificate. Only returned if you used a custom expiration date to set the validity period of the certificate. |
.. emails | array | List of emails the certificate secures. Returned only for S/MIME certificate orders. |
.. dns_names | array | List of additional names secured by the certificate. |
.. date_created | string | Date and time the certificate order was created. Format: UTC timezone and ISO 8601 date |
.. date_issued | string | Date and time the primary certificate on the order was issued. Omitted if no certificates have been issued for the order. Format: UTC timezone and ISO 8601 date |
.. valid_from* | string | Date when certificate validity starts. Format: |
.. valid_till* | string | Expiration date of the certificate. Format: |
.. days_remaining | int | Number of days until certificate expires. |
.. csr | string | Certificate signing request. Not returned for Verified Mark Certificates. |
.. organization | object | Organization on the certificate. |
.. .. id | int | Organization ID. |
.. organization_units | array | List of organization units on the certificate. |
.. server_platform | object | Details about the server platform. |
.. .. id | int | Server platform ID. See Glossary – Server platforms. |
.. .. name | string | Name of the server platform. |
.. .. install_url | string | URL for Certificate installation instructions. |
.. .. csr_url | string | URL for CSR generation instructions. |
.. signature_hash | string | Signing algorithm used by the certificate. |
.. key_size | int | Number of bits used in the key. |
.. ca_cert | object | Certificate authority (CA) certificate used to sign the certificate. |
.. .. id | string | CA certificate ID. |
.. .. name | string | Name of the CA. |
additional_emails | array | List of additional emails associated with the order that receive certificate lifecycle notifications. |
status | string | Status of the order. See Glossary – Order status. |
is_renewal | bool | If |
is_renewed | bool | If |
renewed_order_id | int | Order ID of the previous order. Returned only if order is a renewal. |
was_renewed_by_order_id | int | Order ID of the renewal for this order. Returned only if order has been renewed. |
date_created | string | Order creation date. Format: UTC timezone and ISO 8601 date |
organization | object | Details about the organization associated with the order. |
.. id | int | Organization ID. |
.. name | string | Legal name of the organization. |
.. assumed_name | string | Public name of the organization. Also called DBA name. |
.. display_name | string | Full name of the organization. Constructed using name + assumed_name. |
.. city | string | City where the organization is located. |
.. state | string | State where the organization is located. |
.. country | string | Country where the organization is located. |
.. telephone | string | Organization telephone number. |
validity_years | string | Total number of years the order is valid. |
order_valid_from * | string | Start date of the order validity period. Format: |
order_valid_till * | string | Expiration date of the order. Format: |
order_validity | object | Describes the validity period of the order. For Multi-year Plans, order validity matches the duration of the plan. |
.. years | int | Total number of years the order is valid. Only returned if you used years to set the validity period of the order. |
.. days | int | Total number of days the order is valid. Only returned if you used days to set the validity period of the order. |
.. custom_expiration_date | string | Expiration date of the order. Only returned if you used a custom expiration date to set the validity period of the order. |
disable_renewal_notifications | bool | Whether renewal notifications are disabled for the order. If |
auto_renew | int | Auto-renew setting for the order. Possible values: |
auto_reissue | int | Auto-reissue setting for the order. Possible values: |
container | object | Details about the container associated with the order. |
.. id | int | Container ID. |
.. name | string | Name of the container. |
.. is_active | bool | Active status of the container. |
product | object | Details about the ordered product. |
.. name_id | string | Name ID of the product. See Glossary – Product identifiers. |
.. name | string | Display name of the product. See Glossary – Product identifiers. |
.. type | string | Product type. See Glossary – Product types. |
.. validation_type | string | Validation type used by the product. See Glossary – Validation types. |
.. validation_name | string | Display name of the validation type. |
.. validation_description | string | Description of the validation type. |
.. csr_required | bool | Specifies if a CSR is required for the product type. |
organization_contact | object | Details about the organization contact on the order. See Structures – Contact details object. |
technical_contact | object | Details about the technical contact on the order. See Structures – Contact details object. |
user | object | Details about the user that submitted the order. See Structures – User details object. |
purchased_dns_names | int | Number of additional SANs purchased. |
requests | array | List of objects with details about requests associated with the order. |
.. id | int | Request ID. |
.. date | string | Timestamp of when the request was submitted. Format: UTC timezone and ISO 8601 date |
.. type | string | Request type. Possible values: |
.. status | string | Status of the request. Possible values: |
.. comments | string | Comments about the request for the reviewing administrator. Omitted if no comments are present. |
receipt_id | int | Receipt ID. |
subject | object | Object containing subject details. Omitted if not present. |
string | For code signing ( | |
cs_provisioning_method | string | For document signing and code signing orders, returns the provisioning method for the certificate. See Glossary – CS provisioning methods. |
ship_info | object | For document signing and code signing orders with a provisioning method of |
.. name | string | Name of recipient. |
.. addr1 | string | Shipping address. |
.. addr2 | string | Continuation of shipping address. |
.. city | string | Shipping city. |
.. state | string | Shipping state. |
.. zip | string | Shipping postal code. |
.. country | string | Shipping country. |
.. method | string | Shipping priority for the token. Possible values: |
hardware_init_code | string | For code signing certificates with a provisioning method of |
public_id Deprecated* | string | ID used for express installations. *Deprecated. DigiCert no longer supports the Express Install workflow that required a public ID. The API stopped returning the |
allow_duplicates | bool | Specifies if the order allows duplicate certificates. |
duplicates_count | int | Number of duplicate certificates associated with the order. |
reissues_count | int | Number of reissued certificates associated with the order. |
price | number | Order price. |
currency | string | Currency unit for order price. Note: The |
prices | array of objects | If you pay for a reissued certificate using a different currency than when you created the order, the Order info endpoint returns a When you pay for a reissued certificate using the same currency as the original order, the extra cost of the reissued certificate is added to the value of the top-level |
.. price | number | Total price of reissues requested in the corresponding |
.. currency | string | Currency unit for the corresponding |
user_assignments | array | List of users that created or have been assigned to the order. See Structures – User details object. |
is_out_of_contract | bool | Contract status of the order. |
payment_method | string | Payment method used for the order.
Note: If the order was submitted with a |
payment_profile | object | Object containing information about the credit card used for the order. Only returned if the card is saved to the CertCentral account (for example, if you submitted the order with a |
product_name_id | string | Name ID of the product. See Glossary – Product identifiers. |
custom_fields | array | List of custom field data. |
.. metadata_id | int | Custom field metadata ID. |
.. label | string | Name of the custom field. |
.. value | string | Entered value for the custom field. |
disable_issuance_email | bool | Specifies if issuance emails are sent. |
disable_ct | bool | Specifies if the certificate will be logged in public CT logs. Not returned for Verified Mark Certificates (VMC). CT logging cannot be disabled for VMCs. |
alternative_order_id | string | The custom alphanumeric ID assigned to the order. Alternative order IDs do not replace the unique order ID that DigiCert assigns each order request. You cannot use alternative order IDs to search for or identify orders in API calls that require an |
api_key | object | Specifies if the order was requested via Services API or ACME. Omitted if order was requested via another method (e.g., CertCentral account, Guest Request URL, etc.). |
.. name | string | Name of the API key or ACME Directory URL. |
.. key_type | string | Key type used for the request. Possible values: |
benefits | object | Object with information about competitive replacement discounts and other benefits applied to the order. |
.. actual_price | string | Price before benefits and other discounts. |
.. discount_percent | string | Total discount percentage applied. |
.. benefits | array | Lists the different types of benefit applied to the order. Possible values: |
.. benefits_data | object | Object with information about each benefit applied to the order. |
.. .. cr_benefit | object | Object with information about the competitive replacement benefit applied to the order. |
.. .. .. type | string | Type of competitive replacement benefit applied to the order. Possible values: |
.. .. .. discount_percentage | float | Total percentage discount applied to the |
.. .. .. premium_discount_percentage | float | Percentage discount applied for ordering a premium DigiCert product. |
.. .. .. availed_domains | array | List of domains on the order that were eligible for competitive replacement benefits. |
is_multi_year_plan | string | Returns |
order_approval_complete | boolean | Describes the status of the verified contact order approval step. If true, order approval is complete. Otherwise, false. Only returned for EV TLS/SSL orders. |
approver | object | Object with details about the CertCentral user who approved the certificate order request. If the order skipped the request approval step, the |
.. id | int | Approver user ID. |
.. first_name | string | Approver first name. |
.. last_name | string | Approver last name. |
string | Approver email address. | |
is_guest_access_enabled | bool | If |
vmc | object | Object with logo data for a Verified Mark Certificate. Only returned if the order is for a Verified Mark Certificate. |
.. logo_id | int | ID of the logo for a Verified Mark Certificate. |
.. logo | string | Compressed logo data, formatted as a base64-encoded string. |
.. enable_hosting | bool | If true, DigiCert hosts the image and certificate files. Otherwise, false (default). When image and certificate file hosting is enabled, the Order info endpoint returns the location of the hosted files in the |
.. hosted_logo_location | string | If hosting is enabled, location of the hosted image file for the logo. |
.. hosted_cert_location | string | If hosting is enabled, location of the hosted certificate file. |
.. mark_type | object | Mark type. Possible values: |
.. mark_type_data | object | Object with details about the logo the certificate secures. |
.. .. country_code | string | Two-letter country code. For government marks, identifies the country or region granting rights to use the logo. For registered trademarks, identifies the country or region where the logo is registered. Possible values: See Glossary – Trademark offices and country codes for VMC logos |
.. .. state_province | string | For government marks, state or province granting rights to use the logo. |
.. .. locality | string | For government marks, the locality granting rights to use the logo. |
.. .. citation | string | For government marks, identifier for the law, statute, or citation granting rights to use the logo. |
.. .. registration_number | string | For registered trademarks, the trademark registration number for the logo. |
.. trademark_country_code Deprecated* | string | Two-letter code for the country or region where the logo is trademarked. Allowed values: See Glossary – Trademark offices and country codes for VMC logos |
.. trademark_registration_number Deprecated* | string | Trademark registration number of the logo. |
* - Returned only for issued certificate orders.
Examples by product
The following examples show the structure of the JSON response for orders with an issued certificate for these product types:
GeoTrust DV SSL
Basic OV
Basic EV
Code Signing
EV Code Signing
Document Signing
Class 1 S/Mime
{ "id": 123456789, "certificate": { "id": 234567890, "thumbprint": "AB0123456789C0D1EF234AB56C7890DE12ABC3DE", "serial_number": "123a56bc78d9e0a1234b567c89d01e23", "common_name": "example.com", "dns_names": [ "example.com" ], "date_created": "2022-03-14T22:52:11+00:00", "date_issued": "2022-03-15T17:09:16+00:00", "valid_from": "2022-03-13", "valid_till": "2023-03-14", "days_remaining": 364, "cert_validity": { "years": 1 }, "csr": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\r\n...\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----", "signature_hash": "sha256", "key_size": 4096, "ca_cert": { "id": "DF3689F672CCB90C", "name": "GeoTrust TLS DV RSA Mixed SHA256 2020 CA-1" }, "user_id": 123456, "receipt_id": "12345678", "purchased_dns_names": "1", "purchased_wildcard_names": "0" }, "status": "issued", "is_renewal": false, "is_renewed": false, "date_created": "2022-03-14T22:52:11+00:00", "validity_years": 1, "order_validity": { "years": 1 }, "order_valid_from": "2022-03-14", "order_valid_till": "2023-03-14", "disable_renewal_notifications": false, "auto_renew": 0, "auto_reissue": 0, "container": { "id": 12345, "name": "Example Org", "is_active": true }, "product": { "name_id": "ssl_dv_geotrust_flex", "name": "GeoTrust DV SSL", "type": "dv_ssl_certificate", "csr_required": true }, "notes": [ { "id": 123456, "date_created": "2022-03-14T22:52:11+00:00", "text": "Form autofill.", "user": { "id": 1234567, "first_name": "Jane", "last_name": "Doe", "email": "jane.doe@example.com" } } ], "user": { "id": 123456, "first_name": "Jane", "last_name": "Doe", "email": "jane.doe@example.com" }, "purchased_dns_names": 1, "receipt_id": 12345678, "allow_duplicates": false, "duplicates_count": 0, "reissues_count": 0, "price": 149, "user_assignments": [ { "id": 1234567, "first_name": "jane", "last_name": "doe", "email": "jane.doe@example.com", "job_title": "Site Reliability Engineer", "telephone": "012-840-4979" } ], "is_out_of_contract": true, "payment_method": "balance", "product_name_id": "ssl_dv_geotrust_flex", "disable_issuance_email": false, "disable_ct": false, "dcv_method": "dns-txt-token", "server_licenses": 1, "is_guest_access_enabled": true, "is_multi_year_plan": "1", "has_pending_request": false }
{ "id": 123456789, "certificate": { "id": 234567890, "thumbprint": "AB0123456789C0D1EF234AB56C7890DE12ABC3DE", "serial_number": "123a56bc78d9e0a1234b567c89d01e23", "common_name": "example.com", "dns_names": [ "example.com" ], "date_created": "2022-03-15T17:09:16+00:00", "date_issued": "2022-03-15T19:09:17+00:00", "valid_from": "2022-03-14", "valid_till": "2023-03-15", "days_remaining": 365, "cert_validity": { "years": 1 }, "csr": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\r\n...\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----", "organization": { "id": 123456 }, "server_platform": { "id": 14, "name": "Microsoft IIS 5 or 6", "install_url": "http://www.digicert.com/ssl-certificate-installation-microsoft-iis-5-6.htm", "csr_url": "http://www.digicert.com/csr-creation-microsoft-iis-5-6.htm", "best_format": "cer" }, "signature_hash": "sha256", "key_size": 4096, "ca_cert": { "id": "33621C1BDD0C9357", "name": "DigiCert TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1" }, "user_id": 123456, "receipt_id": "1234567", "purchased_dns_names": "1", "purchased_wildcard_names": "0" }, "status": "issued", "is_renewal": false, "is_renewed": false, "date_created": "2022-03-15T17:09:16+00:00", "organization": { "id": 123456, "name": "Example Org", "display_name": "Example Org", "is_active": true, "city": "Newark", "state": "Alabama", "country": "us", "telephone": "012-840-4979" }, "validity_years": 1, "order_validity": { "years": 1 }, "order_valid_from": "2022-03-15", "order_valid_till": "2023-03-15", "disable_renewal_notifications": false, "auto_renew": 0, "auto_reissue": 0, "container": { "id": 123456, "name": "Example Org", "is_active": true }, "product": { "name_id": "ssl_basic", "name": "Basic OV", "type": "ssl_certificate", "validation_type": "ov", "validation_name": "OV", "validation_description": "Normal Organization Validation", "csr_required": true }, "organization_contact": { "first_name": "Jane", "last_name": "Doe", "email": "jane.doe@example.com", "job_title": "Site Reliability Engineer", "telephone": "012-840-4979", "name": "Jane Doe" }, "user": { "id": 1234567, "first_name": "Jane", "last_name": "Doe", "email": "jane.doe@example.com" }, "purchased_dns_names": 1, "receipt_id": 1234567, "allow_duplicates": true, "price": 268, "user_assignments": [ { "id": 1234567, "first_name": "jane", "last_name": "doe", "email": "jane.doe@example.com", "job_title": "Site Reliability Engineer", "telephone": "012-840-4979" } ], "is_out_of_contract": true, "payment_method": "balance", "product_name_id": "ssl_basic", "disable_issuance_email": false, "disable_ct": false, "dcv_method": "email", "server_licenses": 1, "is_guest_access_enabled": true, "is_multi_year_plan": "1", "has_pending_request": false }
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