Get scan details
Use this endpoint to get information about an existing scan template.
Related topic
For more information on discovery scan and its details, see Set up and run a scan.
Example requests and responses
URL query parameters
Name | Req/Opt | Type | Description |
surveyDefId | required | integer | Survey definition ID of the scan. To get a list of |
accountId | required | string | Account ID. |
divisionId | required | integer | Division ID. |
Response parameters
Name | Type | Description | |
error | object | Includes the error code if any. | |
data | object | Object container for response. | |
.. accountId | string | Account ID. | |
.. divisionId | integer | Division ID. | |
surveyName | string | Friendly name provided for the scan. Max length: 80 characters. | |
frequencyType | string | Allowed values: | |
surveyDefId | integer | Survey definition ID of the scan. To get a list of | |
.. state | string | Status of the scan. Possible values: | |
.. createdTime | integer | Scan creation time. | |
.. startTime | integer | Start time for the scheduled scan. Format: epoch in millisecond. Epoch corresponds to 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds (00:00:00) Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) on a specific date, which varies from system to system. Example: Note: | |
.. hasVulnerability | boolean | If | |
.. currentScanJobList | object | Object container for in-progress scans | |
.. .. startTime | integer | Start time of the current scan. Format: epoch in millisecond. Epoch corresponds to 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds (00:00:00) Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) on a specific date, which varies from system to system. Example: Note: | |
.. .. percentageCompleted | integer | Scan percentage completed. | |
.. .. state | integer | State of the scan. | |
.. .. vulStartTime | integer | Vulnerability discovery start time. Format: Timestamp in milliseconds. Example: | |
.. .. vulPercentageCompleted | integer | Vulnerability scan percentage completed. Possible values: 0-100% | |
.. .. vulState | integer | Status of the vulnerability. | |
.. .. duration | integer | Duration of the scan in seconds. | |
.. .. vulEnabled | integer | Whether vulnerability is enabled. If | |
.. .. jobId | string | Scan job ID. | |
.. .. includedSensors | object | Object container containing IP/port configuration details for the currently running scan. | |
.. .. .. ipInclusionList | string | IPs to include in the scan. Supported formats are individual IPs, IP range, CIDR, and FQDNs. Example for IP format: Example for FQDN format: Note: Loopback IP "" is not allowed to scan. | |
.. .. .. includedPorts | array | Ports to include in the scan. It can be individual ports or port range. | |
.. .. .. openPorts | array | A list of the open ports scanned. Used in scenarios where the host is unresponsive to ping. | |
.. .. .. ipExclusionList | string | IPs to exclude in the scan. Supported formats are individual IPs, IP range, CIDR, and FQDNs. | |
.. .. .. licenseKey | string | Sensor license key to create scan. | |
.. .. .. includeAllSubdomains | array | List of domains to scan all subdomains for. If a domain is in this list, the scan includes all subdomains of that domain. | |
.. .. .. selectedSubdomains | array | List of objects that define which subdomains of a given domain are included in the scan. | |
.. .. .. .. domain | string | Name of the domain. | |
.. .. .. .. subdomains | array | List of subdomains included in the scan for the given domain. | |
.. .. .. isIPv4Sensor | boolean | Use | |
.. .. .. portSelectionChoice | string | Select the default port or choose from All/custom ports. | |
.. vulnerabilityScanOption | string | Setting that defines which vulnerabilities to scan for. Allowed values: | |
.. surveyConfigDTO | object | Object container for scan configuration details. | |
.. .. sensorWithIpPortDTO | object | Object container for IP/port configuration details. | |
.. .. .. ipInclusionList | string | IPs to include in the scan. Supported formats are individual IPs, IP range, CIDR, and FQDNs. Example for IP format: Example for FQDN format: Note: Loopback IP "" is not allowed to scan. | |
.. .. .. includedPorts | string | Ports to include in the scan. It can be individual ports or port range. | |
.. .. .. openPorts | array | A list of the open ports scanned. Used in scenarios where the host is unresponsive to ping. | |
.. .. .. ipExclusionList | string | IPs to exclude in the scan. Supported formats are individual IPs, IP range, CIDR, and FQDNs. Example for IP format: Example for FQDN format: Note: Loopback IP "" is not allowed to scan. | |
.. .. .. licenseKey | string | Sensor license key to create scan. | |
.. .. .. .. includeAllSubdomains | array | List of domains to scan all subdomains for. If a domain is in this list, the scan includes all subdomains of that domain. | |
.. .. .. .. selectedSubdomains | array | List of objects that define which subdomains of a given domain are included in the scan. | |
.. .. .. .. .. domain | string | Name of the domain. | |
.. .. .. .. .. subdomains | array | List of subdomains included in the scan for the given domain. | |
.. .. .. .. isIPv4Sensor | boolean | Use | |
.. .. .. .. portSelectionChoice | string | Select the default port or choose from All/custom ports. | |
.. daysToRun | integer | Days when the scheduled scan runs. Possible values: Note: | |
.. disablePing | boolean | Enable hosts discovery that do not respond to ping. Note: : If | |
.. timezone | string | Time zone for the scan. Format: GMT + your timezone offset. Example: | |
.. timeToComplete | int | Wait time to complete the scan. 0 implies no timeout. | |
.. vulnerabilityList | string | This is a comma separated list of the vulnerabilities to scan for. Allowed values: | |
.. emulationScans | boolean | If | |
.. sni | boolean | Enable the Server Name Indication (SNI) for your scan. | |
.. tls13 | boolean | Enable scan of TLS v1.3 protocol. Default: | |
.. ipv6 | boolean | Use true if IPv6 addresses are used. Default: | |
.. extraTlsProtocolsDiscovery | boolean | Enable discovery of extra TLS protocol. Default: | |
.. sshDiscovery | boolean | Enable SSH key to be discovered. Default: | |
.. osDiscoverable | boolean | Include or exclude OS information. Default: | |
.. serviceDiscoverable | boolean | Include or exclude server application information. Default: | |
.. monthlyRecurrenceType | string | Day of the month specified for recurring scan. Allowed values: Note: | |
.. speed | string | How fast the scan completes. Default: Allowed values: | |
.. refreshHPSInventory | string | How often the host inventory will refresh. | |
.. scanOption | string | Configure the scan settings either to | |
isCipherScan | boolean | Enable scan for ciphers configured on server. Default: | |
emailAddress | string | Email address for the contact associated with the scan. | |
listFilteredPorts | boolean | If enabled, scan will list all the closed and filtered ports. Default: | |
tags | string | Add tags to the scan. Tags can be a combination of letters (a-z or A-Z), numbers (0-9), number signs (#), or spaces. Entries must be comma-separated. (Maximum 512 characters). Note: Alphanumeric characters like #, @ and _ are allowed. |