Organization info
Use this endpoint to get details about an organization.
Example requests and responses
Response parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id | int | Organization ID. |
status | string | Organization status. Possible values: |
name | string | Legal name of the organization. |
assumed_name | string | Public name of the organization. Also called DBA name. |
display_name | string | Full name of the organization. Constructed using name + assumed_name. |
is_active | bool | Active status of the organization. |
address | string | Address of the organization. |
address2 | string | |
zip | string | Postal code of the organization. |
city | string | City where the organization is located. |
state | string | State where the organization is located. |
country | string | Country where the organization is located. |
telephone | string | Organization telephone number. |
container | object | Primary container the organization is attached to. |
.. id | int | Container ID. |
.. parent_id | string | ID of the container's parent. |
.. name | string | Name of the container. |
.. is_active | bool | Active status of the container. |
organization_contact | object | Organization contact information. |
.. id | int | Organization contact ID. |
.. first_name | string | First name of the organization contact. |
.. last_name | string | Last name of the organization contact. |
string | Email address of the organization contact. | |
.. job_title | string | Job title for the organization contact. |
.. telephone | string | Telephone number of the organization contact. |
.. telephone_extension | string | Phone extension for the organization contact. |
verified_contacts | array of objects | List of verified contacts for the organization. |
.. id | int | Verified contact ID. Important: The verified contact ID is different from the user ID. When you use an existing CertCentral user as a verified contact, DigiCert uses their information to create a new verified contact with an ID that is separate and unique from the user ID. |
.. name | string | Verified contact name ( |
.. first_name | string | Verified contact first name. |
.. last_name | string | Verified contact last name. |
.. job_title | string | Verified contact job title. |
.. telephone | string | Verified contact telephone number |
string | Verified contact email address. | |
.. verified_roles | array of objects | List of objects with details about the contact's verified roles. These roles determine the types of certificate orders a verified contact can approve. To approve an EV, Code Signing (CS), or EV Code Signing (EV CS) certificate order, the contact must have the matching validation type. Note: Contacts validated to approve EV orders can also approve EV Code Signing orders. For verified contacts validated for either EV or EV CS, the API returns both |
.. .. validation_type | string | Validation type. Possible values: |
.. .. status | string | Status of the verified role. Possible values: |
ev_approvers | array of objects | List of users that can approve EV and code signing orders. The list of users is returned only after the organization is validated. |
.. id | int | User ID. |
.. first_name | string | User first name. |
.. last_name | string | User last name. |
extended_validation | object | Extended validation information about the organization. |
container_id_assignments | array | List of containers the organization is assigned to. |