Get CT logs (order ID)
Use this endpoint to get the CT logs for the domains on a Secure Site Pro certificate using the certificate's order ID.
Example requests and response
Filters and URL query parameters
This endpoint supports filters, sorting, and pagination. For general information and examples of the syntax to use when applying filters and sorting results, see Services API - Filters, sorting, and pagination parameters.
Example:{{order_id}}/details?filters[cn_san_search]=&filters[issuer_ca]={{name of certificate authority}}&filters[precert]=false&sort=-notbefore&offset=0&limit=1000
Name | Req/Opt | Type | Description |
filters[ | optional | string | Filters results by the specified property. Replace
sort | optional | string | Sorts results by the value of one or more properties. By default, sorts results in ascending alphabetical order (0-9, A-Z). To sort in descending alphabetical order (9-0, Z-A), prefix the property name with a minus (
offset | optional | int | Index of the first result to include in the response. Default: |
limit | optional | int | Total number of results to include in the response. Max: |
Response parameters
Name | Type | Description |
ct_certificates | array | Details about the certificate. |
.. serial | string | Serial number assigned to the certificate on issuance. |
.. ctlogs | array | Details from CT logs. |
.. .. logged_on | string | Timestamp of when the certificate was logged to CT log. Format: UTC timezone and ISO 8601 date. |
.. .. entry_no | string | Reference ID of CT log from the CT log server. |
.. . log_name | string | Name of the CT log server. |
.. .. operated_by | string | Owner of CT log server. |
.. .. log_url | string | URL of CT log server. |
.. digicert_issued | bool | If the certificate was issued by DigiCert. Possible values:
.. not_after | string | Timestamp of when certificate validity ends. Format: UTC timezone and ISO 8601 date. |
.. not_before | string | Timestamp of when certificate validity begins. Format: UTC timezone and ISO 8601 date. |
.. subject | string | Name secured by the certificate. |
.. issuer | string | Name of certificate authority that issued the certificate. |
.. precert | bool | Is the certificate in the CT log a precertificate. Possible values:
Only returned if the |
.. issuer_ca | string | Brand name of issuing certificate authority. Only returned if the |
.. trusted_ica | bool | If the issuing certificate authority (ICA) is DigiCert or is whitelisted. Possible values:
.. key_algorithm | string | Type of encryption algorithm (e.g., RSA) |
.. key_length | string | Number of bits used in the key. |
.. self_signed | bool | If the certificate is self-signed. Possible values:
.. signature_algorithm | string | Signing algorithm used by the certificate. |
.. cert_type | string | Type of certificate. Possible values:
.. wildcard | bool | If the certificate is a wildcard certificate. Possible values:
.. hosts | object | List of common name or subject alternative names in the order and not in the order Only returned if the |
.. .. hosts_in_order | array | Common name or subject alternative names in the certificate order |
.. .. host_not_in_order | array | Common name or subject alternative names not in the certificate order |
page | object | Details about results. Modified using URL query strings. |
.. total | int | Total number of records. |
.. limit | int | Pagination record limit |
.. offset | int | Pagination starting point |
Issuer_ca_list | array | List of issuing certificate authorities (ICAs) |
.. General | object | DigiCert and Non-DigiCert |
.. Specified CAs | object | List of other certificate authorities present for the account. |