Domain info
Use this endpoint to get details for a domain.
To get IDs for the domains in your account, use the List domains endpoint.
Example requests and responses
Path parameters
Name | Req/Opt | Description |
domain_id | required | ID of the domain to query. |
URL query strings
Name | Req/Opt | Type | Description |
include_dcv | optional | boolean | If Default: |
include_validation | optional | boolean | If Default: |
include_validation_reuse_status | optional | boolean | If Default: |
Response parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | Domain ID. |
is_active | boolean | Active status of the domain. |
status Deprecated* | string | Validation status of the domain. *Note: DigiCert has deprecated the
is_pending_validation | boolean | Pending status of the domain. |
name | string | Name of the domain. |
date_created | string | Timestamp of when the domain was added. Format: UTC timezone and ISO 8601 date |
domain_locking_status | string | Domain lock status. Domain locking prevents users in other CertCentral accounts from requesting certificates for the domain. A domain only returns the Possible values:
account_token | string | Account token to use for domain locking. A domain only returns the
dcv_approval_datetime | string | Completion date and time (UTC) of the most recent DCV check for the domain. Only returned if request URL contains Format: UTC timezone and ISO 8601 date |
dcv_expiration_datetime | string | Expiration date and time (UTC) of the most recent DCV check for the domain. Only returned if request URL contains Format: UTC timezone and ISO 8601 date |
organization | object | Organization attached to the domain. |
.. id | integer | Organization ID. |
.. status | string | Organization status. Possible values: |
.. name | string | Legal name of the organization. |
.. assumed_name | string | Public name of the organization. Also called DBA name. |
.. display_name | string | Full name of the organization. Constructed using name + assumed_name. |
.. is_active | string | Active status of the organization. |
validations | array | List of objects with details about each type of validation on the domain. Only returned if request URL contains For information about the data structure and key/value pairs for objects returned in the |
.. type | string | Type of validation. |
.. name | string | Name of validation. |
.. description | string | Description of validation. |
.. status | string | Status of validation. |
.. dcv_status | string | DCV status of validation. |
dcv_method | string | Latest DCV method configured for the domain. Only returned if request URL contains Possible values: See Glossary – DCV methods |
dcv_token | object | If DCV method uses a random value, this object is returned and contains token information. Only returned if request URL contains |
.. token | string | Random value used to prove control over the domain. |
.. status | string | Status of the domain validation process. |
.. expiration_date | string | Timestamp of when the token will expire. Format: UTC timezone and ISO 8601 date |
higher_level_domains | array of objects | List of existing higher-level domains with a complete domain control validation (DCV) check for the same organization as the queried domain. If none exist, the response omits the Use the Note: The response only includes the |
.. name | string | Domain name (FQDN) of the higher-level domain. |
.. id | integer | Domain ID of the higher-level domain. |
.. dcv_expiration_datetime | string | Expiration date and time (UTC) of the most recent DCV check for the higher-level domain. Format: UTC timezone and ISO 8601 date |
dcv_expiration | string | If DCV is completed, this object is returned with information about when OV and EV domain validations expire. Only returned if request URL contains |
.. ev | string | Expiration date for EV domain validation. Format: |
.. ov | string | Expiration date for OV domain validation. Format: Note: On September 27, 2021, the expiration date for existing OV domain validations will shorten to 397 days from the date validation was completed. Learn more about this policy change: Domain validation changes in 2021. |
.. ov_shortened | string | New expiration date for OV domain validation after industry changes to shorten the domain validation reuse period go into effect on September 27, 2021. Only returned if request URL contains Format: Note: After September 27, 2021, the |
.. ov_status | string | OV domain validation status. Only returned if request URL contains Possible values:
Note: After September 27, 2021, the |
.. ev_status | string | EV domain validation status. Possible values:
.. dcv_approval_date | string | Date of the most recent DCV approval for the domain. Only returned if request URL contains Format: |
container | object | Container the domain is attached to. |
.. id | int | Container ID. |
.. parent_id | int | ID of the container's parent. |
.. name | string | Name of the container. |
.. is_active | bool | Active status of the container. |
base_domain | string | Base domain of the domain. |
dcv_approval_method | string | DCV method used to complete the most recent DCV check. Only returned if request URL contains Possible values: See Glossary – DCV methods |