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TPM examples

TPM 2.0 configuration file

The following sample TPM 2.0 configuration file (tpm2.conf) is for a device with a single Security Module:

# This defines the provider type for use by SMP (for verification)
# and the TAP server (if configured).

# “modulename” identifies the secure element on the host.
# e.g. /dev/tpm0, /dev/tpm1, etc.
# This is not required on Windows platforms and must set to empty as follows:

# modulename

# “moduleidstr” uniquely identifies a secure element, and is used to
# associate the “modulename” with that secure element. The value is verified 
# with the underlying secure element during TAP library initialization.
# During provisioning, the “smp_tpm2_getidstr_bin” tool displays the value
# “moduleidstr” for the “modulename”. This should be used to set the correct
# “moduleidstr” value in the configuration file.

# “moduleid” is the identifier provided to TAP applications to reference
# the secure element.

# The credential file (cred.tpm2) must be provided in the same folder as
# tpm2.conf

Take ownership and provision the hardware TPM

This example procedure demonstrates how to take ownership and provision the TPM:

  1. Clear the TPM.

    $./moctpm2_takeownership --sm=/dev/tpm0 --c --credfile=cred.tpm2
  2. Take ownership of the TPM.

    $./moctpm2_takeownership --sm=/dev/tpm0 --lhpwd= --ehpwd= --shpwd= --credfile=cred.tpm2
  3. Provision the TPM.

    $./moctpm2_provision --sm=/dev/tpm0 --ekpwd= --srkpwd= --ekalg=rsa --srkalg=rsa--credfile=cred.tpm2
  4. Configure tpm2.conf with the correct moduleidstr

    $./smp_tpm2_getidstr_bin --w --c=tpm2.conf


To use a TPM emulator instead of a hardware TPM, use --sm=localhost and specify the port with the --ep=<port> option.

Take ownership and provision the hardware TPM (Windows)

Microsoft® Windows automatically takes ownership and provisions TPM 2.0. The owner authorization is created by Windows during TPM enablement.

We recommend initializing the TPM using the TPM.msc snapin (see If TPM was initialized during BitLocker setup, save the recovery password as described by Microsoft (see

Create asymmetric storage keys for encrypt and decrypt operations

The following examples show how to create asymmetric storage keys for encrypt/decrypt operations in local mode.

$./moctpm2_createasymkey --kalg=rsa --ktype=storage --ksize=2048 --kpwd=mykeypass --es=pkcs1 --pri=mykey.pri --conf=./tpm2.conf
$./moctpm2_encrypt --kpwd=mykeypass --es=pkcs1 --pri=mykey.pri --idf=encryptinput.txt --odf=encryptout.bin --conf=./tpm2.conf
$./moctpm2_decrypt --kpwd=mykeypass --es=pkcs1 --pri=mykey.pri --idf=encryptout.bin --odf=decryptout.txt --conf=./tpm2.conf


The --conf=./tpm2.conf option is not required for client in server mode; instead, the --s and --p options are required.


On Windows platforms, in local mode, when the --conf option is not specified, the configuration file location defaults to %ProgramData%\Mocana\NanoTAP\tpm2.conf.

Create asymmetric storage keys for sign and verify operations

The following examples show how to create asymmetric signing keys for sign/verify operations in local mode.

$./moctpm2_createasymkey --kalg=rsa --ktype=sign --ksize=2048 --kpwd=mykeypass --ss=pkcs1 --pri=mykey.pri --conf=./tpm2.conf
$./moctpm2_sign --halg=sha256 --kpwd=mykeypass --pri=mykey.pri --idf=testdata.txt --osf=signout.bin --conf=./tpm2.conf
$./moctpm2_verify --halg=sha256 --kpwd=mykeypass --pri=mykey.pri --idf=testdata.txt --isf=signout.bin --conf=./tpm2.conf


The --conf=./tpm2.conf option is not required for client in server mode; instead, the --s and --p options are required.


On Windows platforms, in local mode, when the --conf option is not specified, the configuration file location defaults to %ProgramData%\Mocana\WinTAP\tpm2.conf.

Seal and unseal data with a password

The following examples show how to seal/unseal data with a password in local mode.

$./moctpm2_sealdata --auth=mysealpass --idf=encryptinput.txt --odf=sealout.bin --conf=./tpm2.conf
$./moctpm2_unsealdata --auth=mysealpass --idf=sealout.bin --odf=unsealout.txt --conf=./tpm2.conf


The --conf=./tpm2.conf option is not required for client in server mode; instead, the --s and --p options are required.


On Windows platforms, in local mode, when the --conf option is not specified, the configuration file location defaults to %ProgramData%\Mocana\WinTAP\tpm2.conf.

Create attestation keys to obtain a quote of the TPM PCRs

The following examples show how to create attestation keys to obtain a quote of the TPM PCRs in local mode.

$./moctpm2_createasymkey --kalg=rsa --ktype=attest --ksize=2048 --ss=pkcs1 --pri=mykey.pri --kpwd=mykeypass --conf=./tpm2.conf
$./moctpm2_getquote --halg=sha256 --ss=pkcs1 --pri=mykey.pri --idf=quoteinput.txt --odf=quoteout.bin --osf=quoteoutsign.bin --kpwd=mykeypass --conf=./tpm2.conf
$./moctpm2_verifyquote --halg=sha256 --pri=mykey.pri --idf=quoteout.bin --isf=quoteoutsign.bin --kpwd=mykeypass --conf=./tpm2.conf


The --conf=./tpm2.conf option is not required for client in server mode; instead, the --s and --p options are required.


On Windows platforms, in local mode, when the --conf option is not specified, the configuration file location defaults to %ProgramData%\Mocana\WinTAP\tpm2.conf.

Read and extend PCRs

The following examples show how to read and extend PCRs in local mode.

$./moctpm2_gettrusteddata --tdtype=measurement --tdsubtype=1 --tdidx=1 --odf=gettrustedout.bin --conf=./tpm2.conf
$./moctpm2_updatetrusteddata --tdtype=measurement --tdsubtype=1 --tdidx=1 --odf=updatetrustedout.bin --idf=updatetrustedin.txt --conf=./tpm2.conf


The --conf=./tpm2.conf option is not required for client in server mode; instead, the --s and --p options are required.


On Windows platforms, in local mode, when the --conf option is not specified, the configuration file location defaults to %ProgramData%\Mocana\WinTAP\tpm2.conf.

NVRAM operations (read, write, create, and delete)

The following examples illustrate how to perform NVRAM operations to read, write, create, and delete policies in TAP local mode.

$./moctpm2_getpolicystoragelist --conf=./tpm2.conf
$./moctpm2_createpolicystorage --psidx=0x01000001 --psize=64 --pstype=ordinary --pspwd=mykeypass --conf=./tpm2.conf
$./moctpm2_setpolicystorage --psidx=0x01000001 --pstype=ordinary --idf=policyin.txt --pspwd=mykeypass --conf=./tpm2.conf
$./moctpm2_delpolicystorage --psidx=0x01000001 --pssize=64 --pstype=ordinary --pspwd=mykeypass --conf=./tpm2.conf

The following examples illustrate usage in TAP remote mode.

  1. Set up the path to the libraries.

    $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/trustpoint/lib
  2. Retrieve the certificate from its location (0x01c08001).

    $ /opt/trustpoint/bin/moctpm2_getpolicystorage --s= --psidx=0x01c08001 --odf=cert.der
  3. Verify the certificate.

    $ openssl x509 -in cert.der -inform DER -text -noout 


The --conf=./tpm2.conf option is not required for client in server mode; instead, the --s and --p options are required.


On Windows platforms, in local mode, when the --conf option is not specified, the configuration file location defaults to %ProgramData%\Mocana\WinTAP\tpm2.conf.

Key duplication process on a hardware TPM

The following examples show how to duplicate keys to a destination TPM from an active (i.e., currently in use) source TPM.

  1. Read the Storage Root Key (SRK) public key BLOB on the destination TPM device.

    $./moctpm2_readpublicblob --eid=0x81000000 --pub=test/ --conf=tpm2.conf

    where is the output file for the SRK public key BLOB of the destination TPM.

  2. Generate an asymmetric duplicable signing key under SRK on the source TPM device by running the following command:

    $./moctpm2_createasymkey --kalg=rsa --ktype=sign --ksize=2048 --kpwd=mykeypass --ss=pkcs1 --pub=test/ --pri=test/dupkey.pri --conf=tpm2.conf

    where is the output file for the duplicable public key, and dupkey.pri is the output file is for the duplicable private key BLOB.

  3. Ensure that the sign operation using this signing key is successful on the source device by running the following commands:

    $ echo “Test Data” > test/testdata.txt
    $./moctpm2_sign --halg=sha256 --kpwd=mykeypass --pri=test/dupkey.pri --idf=test/testdata.txt --osf=test/signout.bin --conf=tpm2.conf 

    where testdata.txt is the input file to be signed, and signout.bin is the output file for the signature BLOB.

    $./moctpm2_verify --halg=sha256 --kpwd=mykeypass --pri=test/dupkey.pri --idf=test/testdata.txt --isf=test/signout.bin --conf=tpm2.conf 

    This command should display the message “signature verified successfully.”

  4. Create a duplicate BLOB of the signing key on the source device. Use the public key BLOB created at step 1 above on the destination device by running the following command:

    $./moctpm2_duplicatekey --kpwd=mykeypass --pri=test/dupkey.pri --newpr=test/ --odf=test/newkeyblob.dup --conf=tpm2.conf

    where the newkeyblob.dup output file contains the duplicated BLOB.

  5. Import the duplicated BLOB on the destination device by running the following command:

    $./moctpm2_importduplicatekey --kalg=rsa --ktype=sign --ksize=2048 --kpwd=mykeypass --ss=pkcs1 --dup=test/newkeyblob.dup --pri=test/duplicatedkey.pri --pub=test/ --conf=tpm2.conf

    where duplicatedkey.pri is the duplicated private key BLOB, and is the duplicated public key BLOB on the destination device. The duplicate key is created under the SRK of the destination device, along with the public and private key BLOBs.

  6. Ensure that the sign operation using the duplicated key is successful on destination device by running the following commands:

    $ echo “Test Data” > test/testdata.txt
    $./moctpm2_sign --halg=sha256 --kpwd=mykeypass --pri=test/duplicatedkey.pri --idf=test/testdata.txt --osf=test/signout.bin --conf=tpm2.conf 

    where testdata.txt is the input file to be signed using the duplicated key, and signout.bin is the output file that contains the signature BLOB.

    $./moctpm2_verify --halg=sha256 --kpwd=mykeypass --pri=test/duplicatedkey.pri --idf=test/testdata.txt --isf=test/signout.bin --conf=tpm2.conf

    This command should display the message “signature verified successfully.”

  7. Ensure that the sign operation using the original key on the source device can be verified using the duplicated key on the destination device by running the following commands:

    $ echo “Test Data” > test/testdata.txt
    $./moctpm2_sign --halg=sha256 --kpwd=mykeypass --pri=test/dupkey.pri --idf=test/testdata.txt --osf=test/signout.bin --conf=tpm2.conf 

    where testdata.txt is the input file to be signed using the duplicated key, and signout.bin is the output file that contains the signature BLOB.

  8. On the destination device, copy test/textdata.txt and test/signout.bin to the destination device for signature verification by running the following command:

    $./moctpm2_verify --halg=sha256 --kpwd=mykeypass --pri=test/duplicatedkey.pri --idf=test/testdata.txt --isf=test/signout.bin --conf=tpm2.conf=

    This command should display the message “signature verified successfully.”

Reset dictionary attack lockout on a hardware TPM

If the TPM enters into a Dictionary Attack Lockout state due to excessive failed attempts to authenticate using incorrect credentials, the following command may be used to reset the condition on the TPM.

$./moctpm2_resetdalock --sm=/dev/tpm0 --credfile=cred.tpm2 --conf=tpm2.conf

where cred.tpm2 is the credentials file used during TPM provisioning.

This command permits future commands (with the correct credentials) to use the TPM without a wait imposed by a Dictionary Attack Lockout period.

Persist keys to TPM memory and usage

Keys may be persisted to TPM memory at a specified location (Key ID) for the purpose of using the Key ID instead of the key file for TPM operations.

The following examples illustrate usage in the TAP local mode of operation.

  1. Create the key (optional).

    $ ./moctpm2_createasymkey --kalg=rsa --ktype=sign --ksize=2048 --ss=pss256 --pri=mykey.pri --conf=./tpm2.conf
  2. Persist key to TPM memory at key ID 0x81000100.

    $ ./moctpm2_persistkeyobject --obj=mykey.pri –pid=0x81000100 --conf=./tpm2.conf
  3. Read the persisted key.

    $ ./moctpm2_getpersistedkeyobject --pid=0x81000100 --pri=persistedkey.pri --ksize=2048 --kalg=rsa --ktype=sign
  4. Sign using key data read from moctpm2_getpersistedkeyobject.

    $./moctpm2_sign --halg=sha256 --ss=pss256 --idf=testdata.txt --osf=signout.bin --pri=persistedkey.pri --conf=./tpm2.conf
  5. Remove the persisted key.

    $./moctpm2_evictkeyobject --pid 0x81000100

The following examples illustrate usage in the TAP remote mode of operation.

  1. Create the key (optional).

    $./moctpm2_createasymkey --kalg=rsa --ktype=sign --ksize=2048 --ss=pss256 --pri=mykey.pri --s=
  2. Persist key to TPM memory at key ID 0x81000100.

    $./moctpm2_persistkeyobject --obj=mykey.pri –pid=0x81000100 --s=
  3. Read the persisted key.

    $./moctpm2_getpersistedkeyobject --pid=0x81000100 --ksize=2048 --kalg=rsa --ktype=sign --s=
  4. Sign using the persisted key.

    $./moctpm2_sign --halg=sha256 --ss=pss256 --idf=testdata.txt --osf=signout.bin--pid=0x81000100 --s=
  5. Remove the persisted key.

    $./moctpm2_evictkeyobject --pid 0x81000100 --s=