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Manage batch job approvals

When you start a batch enrollment job, if the enrollment profile requires certificate approvals, a user with the right permissions must approve the batch job before DigiCert​​®​​ IoT Trust Manager processes the enrollments in your request. This section describes how to use the DigiCert​​®​​ IoT Trust Manager API to approve or reject a batch job.


If your enrollment profile auto-approves certificate requests, skip this step. Batch jobs requested through enrollment profiles using auto-approvals are immediately queued for processing.

Approve a batch job

To approve a batch job, submit a PUT request to the following API endpoint.



For detailed information about this endpoint, see the API reference: Approve batch enrollment job.

In the request URL:

  • Replace {{base_url}} with the base URL of your DigiCert ONE instance (for example,

  • Replace {{job_id}} with the batch job ID returned when you created the batch job.

A successful request to approve a batch job returns a response status code of 204 No Content. DigiCert​​®​​ IoT Trust Manager queues the batch job for processing, and its status becomes APPROVED. When processing begins, the status of the batch job changes from APPROVED to IN_PROGRESS. When the batch job status is COMPLETE, you can download the certificates.

Reject a batch job

To reject a batch job, submit a PUT request to the following API endpoint:



For detailed information about this endpoint, see the API reference: Reject batch enrollment job.

In the request URL:

  • Replace {{base_url}} with the base URL of your DigiCert ONE instance (for example,

  • Replace {{job_id}} with the batch job ID returned when you created the batch job.

A successful request to reject a batch job returns a response status code of 204 No Content.